Class: Covenant Life
Starting next Wednesday, I will be teaching a micro-class called Covenant Life. We’ll meet twice: on 9/18 and 10/2 from 6:00-7:30pm at 3131 N. Country Club Rd, suite 209.
Who Should Come
- Anyone desiring or exploring church membership at Covenant should attend.
- Anyone who would like to hear a fresh overview of what God is doing at Covenant and how you can be a part of that.
- Your children! I want to talk a little with your kiddos too about what it means for them to be members of the church along with their parents. Childcare will be provided for the remainder of the class.
What You’ll Learn
- why we have church membership
- the expectations of church membership
- our doctrinal distinctives
- why we worship the way we do
- how our church is run
- the history of our church
- how to grow as a disciple at Covenant
I’ll also provide interesting readings for you and opportunities to ask your questions.
This is a great opportunity to find out what it means to follow Jesus with us at Covenant. I hope you will come and bring a friend.