Class: Going Deeper
Going Deeper is designed to help you mature in Christ through
- twice per month, in-person classes
- a weekly online reading group
Attending Going Deeper will help you grow in your thinking as a Christian so that you may love more deeply and walk more wisely, “fully assured of the will of God” (Colossians 4:12), which is important.
You can join the classes, the reading group, or both. Both are free and you can join anytime. Regular attenders will become familiar with large portions of Reformed systematic theology.
Twice-monthly Classes
The best part of Going Deeper are the in-person classes. We meet from 6:00pm-7:30pm on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month in central Tucson: 3131 N. Country Club Rd, suite 209.
Each class focuses on a different aspect of the Christian faith. Through prayer, study, and discussion, we consider the Bible’s teachings and the implications for our faith and life in Christ. Our time is divided into four parts based on a model I learned from Michael Horton.
- Drama. We will begin by remembering a few of God’s works and note their connection to his larger plan of redemption.
- Doctrine. I will teach 1-2 important doctrines related to the theme, paying careful attention to note the essential distinctions and priorities that Scripture makes. The live-lectures will be available only in class.
- Doxology. We will sing to God in response to what we have heard and then prayer together along the lines of our theme.
- Discipleship. We’ll discuss how what we’ve learned applies to our personal walks in the Lord as well as our life together.
Weekly Online Reading Group
Those who would like to supplement the classes, or who are unable to attend them, can join the online reading group where we discuss sections from Michael Horton’s, Pilgrim Theology: Core Doctrines for Christian Disciples.
The reading group meets on Thursdays from 12:30-1:00pm at If for some reason I can’t attend the reading group on a particular day, I’ll mention it on my blog and encourage you to still meet with any others who’d like to discuss.
Participants are required only to finish the assigned reading from Pilgrim Theology before the reading group meets.
Date | Assigned Page Numbers |
10/3 | 25-36 |
10/10 | 36-50 |
10/17 | 51-62 |
10/24 | 62-71 |