🌵 Notes about CTE Programs in Arizona
A few quick notes on public career and technical education (CTE) programs in Arizona.
🚂 This is entry 3
of the blogtrain CTE.
- In Arizona, CTE Programs are overseen by districts.
- There are 14 Career and Technical Education Districts (CTED) in Arizona.
- Each CTED is set up a little differently based on what is available in the area and student numbers.
- The acronym for these districts was once JTED, and it still floats around. For example, our program in Pima County is called Pima JTED. So no need to be confused. CTED and JTED are the same thing.
- CTE Programs are primarily taught either at CTED campuses and on the campuses of some local high schools.
- Students in homeschools, private schools, and public schools may take advantage of CTE programs.
- Classes at CTED campus usually last 2.5-4 hours, meeting 2-3x per week and are an academic year long.
- Besides a few fees (uniform, material) classes are free, and sometimes even include free community college tuition.