Reading Holy Helps for a Godly Life would be a good way to start your year.
I start preaching 2 John tomorrow morning. It should be on the podcast later in the day. Interesting tidbit: Karen Jobes gives some good reasons to think that it may have been a cover letter to 1 John.
OPCers in HI, AZ, and CA: @pscopc posted some important updates today regarding several upcoming meetings.
After the workout after the win, Suns forward Jae Crowder in Arizona Republic: “That’s what I’ve been preaching to the guys. Make the days count and it will pay off at the right time. Just continue to stay with the grind." 🏀
Liked: Were Joseph and Mary ‘poor’?
Working together, scientists across disciplines were able find, produce, and even taste fruit from seeds thousands of years old. In Tucson, we’re blessed to have Native Seeds/SEARCH doing similar work every day for the seeds of our region.
Hooray! Now you can use @AmazonSmile on a browser or in the Amazon mobile app. I support Westminster Seminary California with my purchases. You should too. @wscal is doing great work.
a Hamilton parody just in time for Christmas… Jesus Christ of Nazareth 🙂✨
“The Spirit did not lead Jesus above natural life with its exposure to dangers, trials, temptation, and suffering, but deeper and deeper into it. We may with profit consider this in our own trials and temptations.” From:Rediscovering the Holy Spirit by Michael Horton. 📚
A good definition of biblicism + resource page from @heidelblog.net.
So thankful for the way @opchomemissions supported Covenant when we were a church plant. Watch to hear from two current church planters about ministry during COVID-19. Watch on Vimeo.
Strange… there doesn’t seem to be an emoji for video calls. Do these work: selfie 🤳 or a handshake+smartphone w/arrow combo 🤝📲?
I started a sermon series yesterday called The Promised Messiah. #1 The Last Word; #2 Mediator of a New Covenant.
Take heed: David French on The Crisis of Christian Celebrity