Big goals for 2021! Buttercup is trying to maximize her productivity by maintaining an optimal work-life balance and focusing on her core values. But then she ate some cat poop.

The Bible provides the best news from the most reliable source. You should read it. Learn more at Westminster Daily.

Getting a drink.

a bee drinking from a drinking fountain

Because the work of the Holy Spirit by and with the Word, the Church is the pillar and buttress of the truth. Read more in today’s Westminster Daily.


ICYMI: Alan Strange is writing a commentary on the OPC Form of Government.

*I dedicate this post to my friend and ruling elder co-laborer, B. F., who learns from the past to serve in the present.*

The Book of Church Order of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a rich document and, like other church orders, the work of generations. But it doesn’t always explain it’s conclusions or word choices.

Well, good news: in June 2020, Ordained Servant, a publication of the OPC, started publishing a commentary on the OPC’s Form of Government written by Alan Strange. (2022 Update: Strange is now adding commentary on the Book of Discipline.)

Dr. Strange is a minister in the OPC and a church history professor at Mid-America Reformed Seminary. He specializes in American Presbyterian history and, having served on the OPC Appeals and Complaints Committee for many years, he has a rich and practiced understanding of presbyterian church government. As such, he’s one of the best people to be writing this commentary.

A good commentary on the BCO provides several benefits. It enriches our understanding of our church order, strengthens our trust in it, and helps us apply and improve it. A commentary can also serve ecumenical purposes by helping us to know which differences between us and other denominations matter and which ones don’t.

Commentaries on church orders have been written before. For example, on the Dutch Reformed side, Martin Monsma and Idzerd Van Dellen published a commentary on the church order of the Christian Reformed Church, updated in 1967. And there are some great essays edited by J. De Jong in Bound Yet Free. A commentary similar to the Monsma, Van Dellen volume was written by W. W. J. Van Oene for the Canadian Reformed Churches, which is now available online. See also the commentaries by Biesterveld and Kuijper, and van Rongen.

You can also find several commentaries and commentary-like works on the Presbyterian side of the Reformed world. The PCA Historical Center has a good bibliography of some these works; of special note is the commentary on the PCA’s church order by Morton Smith. R. B. Kuiper’s The Glorious Body of Christ comes close to a commentary on the OPC form of government, but it doesn’t have the section by section commenting that Alan Strange is doing.

Strange has already clarified a few things for me and I’m excited to read more. This commentary will be a valuable to the church for many years. I pray for the Lord’s blessing on his work.

The commentary is being published serially in Ordained Servant. As a resource for myself and others, I am linking to the available chapters.

Form of Government

1-2: Christ, the King and Head of the Church; The Church

3-4: The Nature and Exercise of Church Power; The Unity of the Church

5-6: Offices in the Church; Ministers or Teaching Elders

7-11: Evangelists; Pastors; Teachers; Ruling Elders; Deacons

12: Governing Assemblies

13: The Local Church and Its Session

14: The Regional Church and Its Presbytery

15: The Whole Church and Its General Assembly

16-17: Congregational Meetings; Congregations without Pastors

18-20: Moderators; Clerks; Ordination and Installation

21: Licensing Candidates to Preach the Gospel

22: Calling a Minister

23a: Ordaining and Installing Ministers (Part 1)

23b: Ordaining and Installing Ministers (Part 2)

24: Dissolving Ministerial Relationships

25: Electing, Ordaining, and Installing Ruling Elders and Deacons

26-27: Divesting from Office; Missions

28-29: Ministers Laboring outside the Church; Organizing and Receiving Congregations

30-32: Organizations of Members of the Church; Incorporation and Corporations; The Constitution and Its Amendment

Book of Discipline

0: Preface

1-2a: The Nature and Purposes of Discipline; Jurisdiction (Part 1)

2b: Jurisdiction (Part 2)

3a: Steps in the Institution of Judicial Process (sec 1-3)

3b: Steps in the Institution of Judicial Process (sec 4-6)

3c: Steps in the Institution of Judicial Process (sec 4-7)

4a: The Trial of Judicial Cases; Rules for Those Involved

4b: The Trial of Judicial Cases; Rules for Evidence

4c: The Trial of Judicial Cases; Rules of Trial Proceedings

5: Cases without Full Process

6: Censure and Restoration

7-8: Appeals; Dissents and Protest

9: Complaints

The main reason I believe and obey the Bible is because God is the author of the Bible.

Buttercup and the chickens are getting comfortable with each other. These things take time.

Where can you learn how to glorify and enjoy God? Click for the answer.

Just before quoting from Proverbs 3, Hebrews 5:12 says: “And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons?” This is one example of how the Bible teaches you how to read the Bible.

“A clear conscience is the sure sign of a bad memory.” — Mark Twain

Burton Barr Cental Library in Phoenix is still offering curbside pickup, but I wish I could have gone inside. Lots of memories there.

Burton Barr Cental Library

Reading Holy Helps for a Godly Life would be a good way to start your year.

I start preaching 2 John tomorrow morning. It should be on the podcast later in the day. Interesting tidbit: Karen Jobes gives some good reasons to think that it may have been a cover letter to 1 John.

OPCers in HI, AZ, and CA: @pscopc posted some important updates today regarding several upcoming meetings.

After the workout after the win, Suns forward Jae Crowder in Arizona Republic: “That’s what I’ve been preaching to the guys. Make the days count and it will pay off at the right time. Just continue to stay with the grind." 🏀