Learn about New Horizons, the OPC’s monthly magazine. Watch on vimeo.

Thanks to Christ Reformed Church in Washington, D.C., we now have a collection of links to most of the tunes used in Trinity Psalter Hymnal. You can use these to sing along. And if you can’t read music, these will help you learn the tunes.

“If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all” (Romans 12:18).

Congratulations and thanks to David C. Noe for his new book, God or Baal: Two Letters on the Reformation of Worship and Pastoral Service.

Where your clothes come from.

Cottonfield over a sunset in Marana, AZ

This week Zondervan video courses are 50% off.

Not all knowledge of Jesus is the same. Jonathan Edwards put it well: “There is a difference between having a rational judgment honey is sweet, and having a sense of sweetness.”

Here’s last night’s sermon on Genesis 22, the sacrifice of Isaac, where we discover that closeness with God sometimes includes hard things.

“Love is that liquor sweet and most divine, which my God feels as blood and I as wine.” (George Herbert). I invite you to listen to the sermon I preached this morning on the death of Jesus and drink up.

beautiful yellow tiles

Attended a memorial service tonight where this quote by C. H. Spurgeon could have been the theme: “If I may die as I have seen some die, I court the grand occasion. I would not wish to escape death by some by-road if I may sing as they sang.”

I used to plant my flowers in my friend Tom’s yard, but I let them die and started all over because Mr. Zuckerberg said I could use his nicer yard for my space. But I don’t like his yard anymore. Anyone else have a yard I can use? How do I keep this from happening? 😭

Not every email needs military-level precision, but it usually helps. Here are some email rules I use (and sometimes break).

Use one subject per email thread with a good subject line.

Keep it short. Five sentences or fewer usually works. For longer emails, consider writing your email like an Axios article or putting the bottom line up front.

Learn better ways to express reoccurring needs.

Share documents and other files with a link to the cloud. For a free, no-registration option, pCloud Transfer works.

Use email when may need to find your message in the future or when formatting helps clarify your message. Again, see Axios.

Don’t email when you should call or text.

When I feel anxious, I use these words from Psalm 62: “For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.” Sometimes I feel better, sometimes I have to wait. Both are good for me.

What would you do to ensure the integrity of an election? Here’s Arizona’s 2020 plan.

Why China might have had the largest unknown modern Calvinist revival movement in recent history » MercatorNet

New to me. Left to right: 🧼, 💦 , 💨.

Q. How can you prevent instantly loosing all your stuff on Facebook/Instagram/Kindle, like these people? A: #ownyourowndata