In Christian Dogmatics, @jtoddbillings writes that ministers are “representatives of the unity of the community gathered” (p. 352). I’m not sure I understand. 🤔

“Let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe”

💬 Hebrews 12:28

Wisdom is reading and living the patterns of life well.

💬 Mark Strom, Lead with Wisdom

I’m reading Divine Rule Maintained by Stephen Casselli and was blown away his description of England’s education system in the 17th cent. I thought I knew how impressive this was; I had no idea. Here’s just one example: By 12 or 13 years old, grammar school students were expected to have already read and understood, in Latin, the major classical authors. An “incomplete list” would include: “Livy , Terence, Isocrates, Justin, Caesa, Erasmus, Virgil, Epictetus, Plutarch, Ovid, Tully, Hesiod, Jomer, Pindar, Xenophon, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Horace, Seneca, and Quintilian.”

So, I’ve been learnig and using Notebooks on my iPad all week and am loving it.

“Siri, if I’m still using social media in six months, remind me to read this article by @ayjay again.”

They were getting ready for school in the bathroom when I overheard one sibling say to another, “Maybe you’re supposed to play with it, that’s why it’s called a toilet.”

Thanks to @appademic for sharing these workflows for study and research.

What happens when a we fail as a community to hear a true accusation or wrongly believe a false one? Elizabteh Bruening considers the first in the Washington Post. Tim Steller considers the second in the Arizona Daily Star.

This mostly vacant mall in #tucson is going to get redeveloped as a town center. 👏

Scrivener’s zoom feature is very useful for those who speak/teach/preach from an iPad. So, I made a little video to show how it works. Apple has a similar feature in Page (it is in Presenter’s Mode), but it’s not as easy to use.

Watched the CSO perform Beethoven’s 9th tonight with the kids. You can too! With your own kids, of course. #csobeethoven

Cool. With iOS 12, Voice Memos are now available on iPad.

Have an opinion on Scrivener vs Notebooks (for iPad)? I’d love to hear it!

Good news! We’re installing a new elder at Covenant this Sunday.

WaPo: In a discovered letter, Ronald Reagan writes to his dying father-in-law about Jesus.

Read @MichaelHorton_’s chapter in Locating Atonement: Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics (ed. @FredFredSanders and Oliver Crisp). Lots of great stuff on incarnation, theosis, Irenaeus, Calvin, and more. And, wow, Origen’s theology was a disaster. 📚