Finished reading: The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament by Leon J. Wood 📚
Four interesting facts about the kinnor.
- The kinnor was invented by Jubal (Genesis 4:21) and is the first musical instrument mentioned in the Bible.
- It was the instrument that David played for Saul.
- Chinnereth/Kinneret—an ancient city—might have it’s name because it looked like a kinnor.
- The kithara, which I’ve posted about before, is probably a derivate word and instrument as well. The Greek translation of the Old Testament translates kinnor as kithara in twenty out of forty places. (Sachs, The History of Musical Instruments, 106)
A key part of a real apology—one people often overlook—is acknowledging the hurt. And that usually requires more than just, “I’m sorry I hurt you.” You need to be specific.
For example, imagine a dad who’s late to his son’s piano recital—for the third time.
When we hurt others, we should apologize. An apology helps set things right.
This doesn’t mean that every mistake warrants a grand apology. Over-apologizing for small missteps cheapens the value of apologies that truly matter. For minor errors, a simple and genuine “Pardon me” or “I’m sorry” is best.
But when you’ve hurt someone in a big way, your apology should match. Ken Sande’s Seven A’s of a Biblical Confession, help us get that right.
Robert McBride, a classical composer from Tucson, was born today in 1911. His Mexican Rhapsody was submitted in 1935 for his Masters of Music at the University of Arizona.
Last fall a major Chinese hack began, collecting text messages, phone calls, and other data on Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and many other networks around the world. By December, Yahoo News reported that
The scope of the data breach — which Microsoft has nicknamed “Salt Typhoon” — is so significant that officials are unable to provide a timeframe for when the threat will be under control.
The FBI warned that everyone should be using encrypted apps for communication.
I also use Signal. It has everything I need: messages, calls, video calls, group chats, etc. I’d use Apple’s encryption which is on Messages and FaceTime, but Apple’s encryption doesn’t work when connecting with friends who use Android.
Well, it’s mid-February now and the threat is still not under control. Just a few days ago, Wired reported that spies are still hard at work and not even slowing down.
📚 Currently reading: Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell. I read one of her books last year, and so I put an audio version of this on in the car to listen to with my daughter. We weren’t expecting all the cello references! It feels like there will be more. Enjoying this so far.
Currently reading: How to Save the World: Disciplemaking Made Simple by Alice Matagora 📚
How AI affects thinking skills and if it matters:.
“The data shows a shift in cognitive effort as knowledge workers increasingly move from task execution to oversight when using GenAI,” the researchers wrote. “Surprisingly, while AI can improve efficiency, it may also reduce critical engagement, particularly in routine or lower-stakes tasks in which users simply rely on AI, raising concerns about long-term reliance and diminished independent problem-solving.”
Currently reading: Uncommon Service by Frances X. Frei and Anne Morriss 📚
🎨 So proud of my wife! Check out all these paintings Della did last month. Big images and sale links at Follow her on socials

Arizona Luminaria wrote about yesterday‘s Point In Time Count, where volunteers helped count and survey the homeless in Tucson.
Currently reading: Education of a Wandering Man by Louis L’Amour 📚